Our Process for Excellence
At L&L Glass, the quality of our finished product is a large key to our success and reputation. We believe we cannot achieve true success without offering the best service with consistent processes in place along the way from the beginning to the end of a project. We all know when we experience great customer service – we can see it and feel it. There are many people at L&L Glass involved in every project and every step along the way of every order that is placed. We know that if every person does their job to the best of their ability, our customers will be able to see and feel the L&L Glass Difference. Following is our process to provide our customers with the best service from start to finish:
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
Our relationship with you starts when you call our office or stop by one of our two beautiful showrooms in the Denver metro area. Our front office team will assist in any way possible, from samples to pictures to getting you any technical information you may need. If your project requires us to do the work on site, we will schedule an appointment to come out and get the precise measurements of your space. Don’t worry if you don’t have all the answers you need at this point. Our estimators provide a lot of information and consultation when they are on site as they may see something you would not know to ask or look for initially.
2. Measure
2. Measure
One of our very experienced, professional and thorough estimators will arrive on site to take measurements and go over all your design details, configurations and hardware questions. At this point, we will layout the space and start the measuring process. All measurements are taken with a laser to ensure the most precise measurement possible. Once we have gone over all the options with you, the information is electronically set back to the office.
3. Schedule Install
3. Schedule Install
Most often the same day we are on site to measure, you will receive a call from us to summarize everything you and the estimator discussed and present final pricing. Upon approval to move forward, we set an installation date and start the fabrication process. This is where the fun begins!
4. Cut Sheets & Templates Created
4. Cut Sheets & Templates Created
All the information from the measure is put into our glass program. This is where we lay out all the deductions necessary for your specific opening as well as all the locations for the fabrication of hinges, holes, etc. It is important to note that we do not have any standard templates. Each project is unique to your exact space and your specific design requirements. For example, you may want a robe hook drilled through the glass of your inline panel on your shower enclosure. Where we drill the hole for the robe hook for someone 6’6″ will be different than where someone 5’6″ may want it. We ask the question and drill the hole accordingly. Because we laser measure the exact openings, we have little to no margin of error when it comes time to install. We have someone double check the information and the cut sheets for your project before sending it off for fabrication.
5. Fabrication & Quality Check
5. Fabrication & Quality Check
Once the glass is fabricated, it is staged and ready for us to inspect to make sure it matches our cut sheets exactly and that the quality of the glass is to our standards (fabricated holes and cutouts are in the right location, no chips or scratches, etc.) Your glass cannot be staged for install until it has passed through this process. This is yet a third set of eyes on your product to ensure everything is correct. We cannot re-fabricate or cut tempered glass, so it is extremely important that we take the time to double and triple check the glass in house before it arrives out on site.
6. Pre Installation

6. Pre-Installation
All of your glass has been staged and is ready for install. On the day of your install, our installation teams are provided a packet that has the cut sheets that have been signed off on to ensure they have been inspected as well as pre and post-installation forms. Here again, they check to make sure all the glass is ready for install and all the pieces are loaded. The pre-installation sheet spells out all the glass required for your job and the method of installation. For example, you may have a mirror to be installed as well as a shower door in your bathroom, or you may have shelves in addition to a cabinet glass we are installing. Or the shower needs to sit 1 3/4″ in from the outside of your curb. Or you may not be home and we need to find the key under the third rock on the left side of the front door to get in – the dog’s name is Jack and there is a treat we can give him from the bowl on top of the fireplace when we get in (yes, this does happen and we have befriended many a dog over the years.) We can never have enough information. All the information we have collected from the minute we started working with you on your project to the day we arrive is in this packet. And all of this information is absolutely critical to ensure our installation team is equipped to deliver on the promise and commitment we have made to you up to this point.
7. Installation
7. Installation
Only the best and most qualified installation teams will arrive to install your glass. Upon arrival, we will systematically layout and stage the glass for installation. After the installation is complete, we go over everything with you, in person, to discuss any relevant information pertaining to your install and answer any questions you may have. We fill out a post-installation sheet and deliver the information back to the office at the end of the day.
8. Follow Up
8. Follow Up
Once we receive the post-installation sheet from your install team, our office will follow up with a phone call to ensure everything was done to your satisfaction. We then send an email with any warranty or other documentation specific to your installation.
Watch the Video to see more about Our Process
There are many moving parts and pieces to focus on throughout a project to make sure L&L Glass meets the standards of our customers. We will not let a piece of glass pass through our shop to our customers unless it meets our approval. We look to handle every project with the respect and attention to detail it deserves. In other words, L&L Glass takes the time and energy to ensure the success of your project as if we were installing it in our own homes.