A deck of this magnitude is not built every day. Nor can something like this be pulled off without a lot of communication, coordination, hard work, and passion for the success of the final product. L&L Glass worked closely with the deck company’s design and construction team well over a year in advance of this project taking shape.
One of the customer’s biggest requests was to make the glass as tall as possible to capture their incredible views. L&L Glass worked with our manufacturers to create a system that would be able to utilize large pieces of glass that were operable and could hold a lot of weight (some pieces weigh over 300 lbs). Once we determined what the maximum size was, we communicated this back to the deck company who then started to build to a specific height where glass was to be incorporated into the deck.
Because the posts for this deck are actual trees with no straight or flat sections, all the glass needed to be recessed into the wood. We needed to take into account the shortest and longest points along the vertical side of the post where our glass would be installed. Once we determined where the header track was going to be installed, we shot a laser line up the face of the post and scribed a line where the cut needed to be made in order to accept our glass. We calculated the cuts needed to be 14” deep. A chainsaw was then used to create the slot for our glass. Seeing that the tree posts were sourced from a forest in Canada and the entire deck is supported by them, we only had one shot to get this right!
L&L Glass enjoys the challenge, creativity and though process needed to take on a project of this magnitude. The results speak for themselves!